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    Главная » 2011 » September » 13 » Dead doctors don't lie by Dr. Wallach - part 3
    10:06 PM
    Dead doctors don't lie by Dr. Wallach - part 3

    28. Diabetes

    The last one I'll share with you is diabetes. Everybody is touched by diabetes. It's the number 3 cause of death in adults in the United States. And it has terrible complications and side-effects. Diabetes. The side-effects include blindness, of many kinds, then there is the kidney failure, with dialysis and kidney transplant, there's cardiovascular disease of all kinds. And of course that contributes to the number 1 cause of death. Then there's amputations, everybody ought to have one of those, cause they are totally paid for in your health thing, cause they assume that you're not just going to get one cause you want to get everything on your health benefits. And then, you shorten your life, because if you have diabetes, on the average, you have a shorter life span than someone who doesn't have diabetes. Now, we learned in 1957, in the animal industry, that we could prevent and cure diabetes with two trace minerals. That's a pretty profound statement. We could prevent and cure diabetes with two trace minerals, in 1957, in animals, and it was published in Federation Proceedings, which is the official journal of American Science, the National Institute of Health. The official monthly journal, August, 1957. Today when your doctor gets a new diabetic patient, he drops to his knees and says, "Thank you, Lord! And he gets up and he runs to his phone and calls his real estate agent. Because everytime he gets a new diabetic patient, it represents $250,000 to him over a 20-30-40 year period. Because he knows that eventually you are going to go through that. And so he calls his real estate agent and says, "I need a new apartment complex. I need a small farm." They all want strip malls. Kind of like monopoly, they all want strip malls. Well, the two trace minerals that you can get to prevent and cure this are chromium and vanadium.

    Vanadium alone, according to the University of Vancouver, British Columbia Medical School, vanadium alone will replace insulin in adult onset diabetics, which represent 85% of all diabetics. Course they can't quit their insulin cold turkey. They got to gradually lean off it, takes 4 to 6 months for most people to slowly wean off insulin, if they are taking in adequate amounts of chromium and vanadium. I've seen it work on hundreds and hundreds of people. Now to me this is criminal. Because if you write to Hills Packing Company that makes Science Diet dogfood (they're right over here in Topeka, Kansas), they manufacture Science Diet dogfood and other Science Diet products, high tech foods for animals. If you write them and say,"How many minerals, exactly, is in Science Diet dogfood?" They'll write back there's 40 minerals. You write Checkerboard Square in St. Louis, Ralston Purina, and say "Just how many minerals are in your rat pellets for laboratory rats?" They'll say there are 28 minerals. I'll give anybody in this room a crisp new $100 bill if you can find me a human infant formula in a grocery store that has more than 11. So dogs get 40 minerals, now this is what Mike Murphy was saying "Dog never seem to get sick", cause he's getting this canned dog food with all these vitamins and minerals in there. So dogs get 40 minerals, rats get 28 minerals, and human infants get 11. Is that fair? No! Doesn't matter if you're talking about SMA, Similac, Isomilk, ProSoyB. In fact, that's why they call Similac, Similac, cause it lacks everything.

    Okay, if I've convinced you that you have to consciously take in all the minerals yourself, that you can't depend on your food, and certainly you can't depend on anything that's boxed or packaged or bottled, there's three types of minerals that you have to be concerned about. One is metallic minerals. Metallic minerals are essentially ground up rocks. Metallic minerals are things like oystershell, eggshell, dolomite, limestone, calcium carbonate, clays of various kinds, Mt. Meroulinite clay, seabed minerals, Tums. They're only 8-12% absorbable, and when you reach age 35-40 it drops down to 3-5%.

    I have to tell you a story here. Some of you heard this on the show today. I ran into a guy at a meeting like this up in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and this fellow owns a port-a-potty business. You know, that's that green or blue colored out-house? Man, if we had only had one of those back when I was a kid. We had these ones with splinters, you know, in wood. At any rate, he said, "I see something that describes that in my port-a-potty business." I said, "What's that?" He says, "When we take those things back to the shop to clean them out with the pressure hose, we put a quarter inch grid underneath them because kids throw rocks and sticks and toys in there, and if we don't put a grid there, it blocks up the sewer system and costs us thousands of dollars to fix it. Everytime we clean one of those out, we find hundreds of vitamin tablets."

    I said, "Well how do you know they are vitamin tablets?" He said, "That's easy, right on the coating it says 'Theragram-M, One-a-Day, Centrum.'" He takes me out into the back of the shop and there is this literal mountain of all these vitamin pills he got out of his porta-potty. And that's because you can't absorb metallic minerals. If you read the labels on those multiples, they say, "Your iron comes in the form of iron oxide". What is iron oxide? Rust. You might as well go out to an old railroad track and take your butter knife and scrape some of that rust off and lick it. And you're going to get your iron supplement. That's what they're giving you. I'll show you how bad it is. If you take something like calcium lactate, which is a common metallic mineral, let's say it's a calcium tablet with calcium lactate, 1000 mg. If you take two of those, you're not getting 2000mg of calcium. In fact, I have people all the time say, "Well, I took lots of calcium, Doc. I hear you on the radio all the time talking about calcium and arthritis, and I took 2000 mg calcium a day. Didn't help my arthritis. In fact, it got worse."

    I said "What kind of calcium are you taking?" He said "Calcium lactate". Well there is your problem, because only 250mg of that is metallic calcium. So let's say you absorb 10% of that, then the other 750 mg is lactose or milk sugar. So 10% of 250 is 25, so if you take 2 of those you're not getting 2000, you are getting 50mg. So to get what you need, you need to take 90 of those tablets a day. You need to take 30 with each meal, and you got 59 more minerals to go.

    And there's those people who want to do things naturally. Let's see if you can do anything good with ten pounds of spinach. To be fair, let's see if you can get 1000mg of magnesium. I picked magnesium because in green leafy vegetables, you have a lot of magnesium because of the chlorophyll. Part of the chlorophyll molecule. And any pound of anything you've got 454 grams and ten pounds of spinach you've got 540 grams, of which 97% is water. Let's say you have 1 gram of chlorophyll, in that 10 pounds of spinach, that's 50 mg of magnesium. You've got to divide that into the 1000 you want, you get a factor of 20, which you multiply times the 10. You have to eat 200 pounds of spinach, and you've got 58 more minerals to go. Okay?

    So, you've got to be a pretty big person to accomplish all this. Even as big as I am you can't get it done. So I prefer to supplement. Rather than do those things. Then, of course, during the '60's, the agricultural industry came up with chelated minerals. Chelated minerals, because farmers aren't dumb enough to pay for a dollar of something that goes into an animal's mouth and have 99 cents come out in the manure. So, I have to really thank farmers for being that clever, and chelated minerals are just metallic minerals with an amino acid or protein or enzyme wrapped around the metal atom, to increase the absorbability to 40%. Then the health-food industry jumped on that right away, because it is a major improvement in absorbability of minerals.

    The most efficient way to absorb minerals is the colloidal form.

    Colloidal minerals are 98% absorbable. Two and a half times more available than chelated minerals and ten times more available than metallic minerals. And they are very interesting. They are liquid. They can only be liquid. They're very small, particle size, they are 7,000 smaller than a red blood cell, and they are negatively charged. Every particle is negatively charged. Your intestinal lining is positively charged, so you actually have an electrical or magnetic gradient that concentrates these minerals around the lining of your intestine. These three things together give you the 98% absorbability.

    Now plants have a very interesting part to play in colloidal minerals. Remember we said that plants cannot create minerals. If they are not in the soil, plants can't make them. Remember US Senate document 264 says they are not in the soil anymore. Metallic minerals are taken up by plants when they're in the soil. Plants convert them in their tissues to colloidal minerals and this is how we store minerals in our body. This is how we use minerals in our body. This is how we transport minerals from the storage place to the site of use, in the colloidal form. Well, our plants, our crops don't have much in the way of colloidal minerals in them because we don't have any metallic minerals in our soil. Is this important? Well, yeah, these long-lived cultures who live to be 120-140, they have certain common denominators. They all live in high mountain villages that are above 8500 to 14,000 ft. in elevation. They all have less than 2 in. of precipitation a year. They don't have any rain, they don't have any snow. They don't have any dew. Very, very dry places. And guess what? They get all their drinking water and all their irrigation water for their crops from what we call glacial milk. Glaciers in every one of those communities grind up the parent rock of those mountains, about 4" per year, there's more than 60-72 minerals in each one of those places. The water that comes out from underneath those glaciers is not clear like Perrier or Evian water, or Poland water or Geyser water. You take a glass full up and hold it up it looks like Jersey milk. I mean it is either yellow, white or white-blue, it looks like milk and it is called in Titicaca or Tibet, they all call it glacial milk. And not only have they consumed it, drunk it and got 8-12% until they were 35-40, then 3-5% absorption for 2,500 to 5,000 years depending on the culture, more importantly, they have irrigated with it. Year after year, crop after crop, generation after generation, for 2,500 to 5,000 years. They have no diabetes. They have no heart disease. No high blood pressure. No arthritis. No Osteoporosis. No Cancer, no cataracts, no glaucoma. They have no birth defects, no jails full of drug addicts. No taxes. No doctors. Yet they live to be 120-140 without disease.

    Are these colloidal minerals important? You bet your life they're important. And everytime you don't take them in everyday, you're chopping off a few hours or a few days of your life. Most people are not going to go to Hunse or Tibet, or Titicaca, because we don't have Kenmore kitchens there, or even Saturn cars, or TV channel changers, or electricity. They don't have insulated houses. They don't have central heating or air conditioning. But what they do have is colloidal minerals. The only place you can get these in the United States is from a prehistoric valley in Southern Utah, according to geologists, 75 million years ago has 60-72 minerals in the walls, and the floor of that valley. And those trees and the grass is in that valley, in that forest, took up all the metallic minerals and made colloidal minerals in their tissues. About that time there was a volcanic eruption which entombed that valley with a thin layer of mud and ash. Not thick enough to crush or pressurize this into oil or coal. It was very dry in here, so it never became fossilized or petrified, never became rock. Today, if you put a shaft into this valley it still just dried hay, 75 million year old hay. You can still see the grass and the leaves and the twigs and pine cones and the bark and so forth. If you ground this plant material up into a flour, very small particle sized flour, like a good wheat flour, and for 3 to 4 weeks soak it in filtered spring water. When it reaches a specific gravity of 3.0, it's very heavy, it has 38 grams of this colloidal minerals in it per quart or liter, and by actual analysis it has 60 colloidal minerals in it, and it works.

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