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«  March 2010  »
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    Главная » 2010 » March » 02
    Don’t You Dare Give Up! By Randy Gage February 26th, 2010

    It’s 5 am and I should be sleeping. But I’ve been tossing and turning for over an hour thinking about what I wanted to say to you. It’s about the work you do and the dreams you want to live…
    In our business we can earn a lot of money, win those trips to exotic locales, and drive those gorgeous bonus cars. We have the chance to really get our freedom.
    But that’s the thing about freedom. It’s never free…
    Freedom is the by product of success and you must be willing to pay the price for success. And success never goes on sale. You have to pay the market price. And that can be so very hard…
    I know. I struggled for five years in this business. Sacrificed things to buy my monthly product order. Alienated everyone around me, pestering them to join my business. Argument after argument.
    Because I could explain all the rational, logical reasons everyone should be in the business. And if you wanted to argue with ... Read more »
    Views: 474 | Added by: Yasmine | Date: 2010-03-02 | Comments (0)