The last one I'll share with you is diabetes. Everybody is touched by diabetes. It's the number 3 cause of death in adults in the United States. And it has terrible complications and side-effects. Diabetes. The side-effects include blindness, of many kinds, then there is the kidney failure, with dialysis and kidney transplant, there's cardiovascular disease of all kinds. And of course that contributes to the number 1 cause of death. Then there's amputations, everybody ought to have one of those, cause they are totally paid for in your health thing, cause they assume that you're not just going to get one cause you want to get everything on your health benefits. And then, you shorten
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Here's an attorney. You're not a doctor, are you sir? She was so famous, she was from Detroit, aged 44, Ellen Joyce Alter. She was in the New York Times obituary, she made the big time. Of course she probably had steel buns because she belonged to one of those private health clubs. All these gals want steel buns, you know, doing their little exercises. But she didn't have expensive urine, because she died of a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. When they don't do an autopsy, the symptoms could be called a stroke, or subdural hemorrhage. Very frequently they are caused by a ruptured aneurysm, which is a copper deficiency. She didn't have expensive urine.
I'm Barbara Nicholson, a little over a year ago, my husband dropped dead of cardiac myopathy. And it just nearly killed me. A good friend of mine, Dr. Henry Curtiss, from Denver, Colorado, called me. He said, "I just want you to listen to this tape." I didn't do it. But when I eventually did, I heard Dr. Joe Wallach say that cardiac myopathy is 100% preventable. This really hit me very hard, therefore I want to tell you the reason that I am here is that I don't want to see anyone else go through what I went through... that I've been through this last year. Dr. Wallach is going to explain to you tonight not only about cardiac myopathy, but many other things. I pray that you listen closely and carefully, because what you are
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